The establishment of the computer center at The University of Jordan\Aqaba branch in 2015 has been an important step towards development and fulfilling the university’s objectives. It is important to mention that the elite and generous support from the Information Technology Center at the University of Jordan in Amman has been an essential driver for the establishment and improvement of the Computer Center.
The center aims to facilitate the various educational, research, and administrative processes by providing reliable and secure environment. Foreseen advancements in well-known educational organizations call for keeping up with most recent technologies, and investing more in building capabilities. Therefore, continuous improvement in terms of technological resources and staff capabilities are essential components of the center’s priorities.
The center consists of three main divisions that strive to ensure providing services for the university’s community with high level of quality. The divisions are namely Systems and Development, Infrastructure and Networks, and Labs and Technical Support. The provided services include the management of the technological infrastructure, application systems management and development, technical support for all organizational levels, and computer laboratories supervision. In addition, the dedicated staff members are able to reform on-call teams in response to critical or urgent needs.
Current computer laboratories that are operated by the center are able to support educational and administrative operations such as on-hand training and computerized exams; on the other hand they are available to be used by students apart from lecture times. They are ready to be used in teaching various programming languages, database development, web applications development, tourism-specific applications, foreign languages, and others. In addition the lab supervisors are available and capable of providing any related support.
I invite you to spend some time exploring the center’s services in person and take a tour to explore the computer laboratories.
Director of Computer Center