Educational Development

Director: Dr. Darwish Hasan Badran


The Center for Educational Development for Health Personnel was established in 1983 in collaboration with the World Health Organization as a response to the growing local and regional demand for better qualified health workers.


It aims at introducing health teachers to systematic instructional approaches, by encouraging the use of innovative techniques in their teaching practices and designing training programs based on the needs and priorities of the communities they serve. In 1998, the University added the in-service training and continuing education of its staff to the mission and responsibilities of the Center. It was, thus, renamed as the Center for Educational Development (CED).


CED provides its various activities and services through the following two departments:


 Instructional Design Department


This Department provides professional and technical support services for personnel involved in the teaching and training of all levels and categories of staff, by means of cooperating with experts, personnel, teachers, and trainers on the design of print and non-print instructional materials, and individualized programs for instruction and research purposes.This service includes: Slides, Transparencies, Posters, Photographs and Graphics.


 Training Department


The Department is responsible for the administration of all training activities and provides its services by conducting workshops and seminars. The following areas were covered in the last decade: 


 Instructional Design and Production, Curriculum Design and Evaluation, Continuing Education, Administration, Teaching/Learning Materials and use of Equipment, Medical and Nursing Specialties, Family and Reproductive Health, Communication and Promotion of Health. It offers, as well, training courses for health profession's trainers and teachers.


The Training Department at the Center organizes and administers the following examinations in collaboration with the Royal Colleges of the United Kingdom and Ireland:


·         MRCP Part 1+2 General Medicine - United Kingdom -


·         MRCPCH Part 1+2 Pediatrics - United Kingdom -


·         MRCOG (1 and 2) - United Kingdom -


·         MRCP Part 1 General Medicine - Ireland -


·         MRCSI Parts 1&2 General Surgery - Intercollegiate -


·         AFRCSI Part 2&3 General Surgery - Ireland -


·         MFD Part A&B Dentistry - Ireland - Http://


Other activities


During the past nine years, the Center cooperated with the Dreyfus Health Foundation, New York (DHF), for the organization and implementation of its health promotion programs: Problem Solving for Better Health (PSBH) and Communications for Better Health (CBH). The two programs are funded and supported by DHF.


CED also provides students and health professionals with the latest knowledge in the various fields of Medical Sciences, utilizing a Medline Data Base, the Internet and a well stocked library. It has also established Internet stations accessible to students and staff. CED also publishes, the Jordan Health Digest every 4 months, and distributes it free to more than 1000 addresses in Jordan and the region. Its aim is to disseminate up-to-date health information to clients in rural areas, and to those with limited access to modern libraries.


Contact US


Tel. +962 6 5355000 Ext. 23933



Fax. +962 6 5355500

Educational Development