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Faculty of Physical Education at the University of Jordan in collaboration with the Institute of Sport Science - Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) organize The International Conference of Sport Science "Challenge of Change" (ICSSCC). The conference, which focuses on current issues on various fields of sports and physical education, aims to bring together leading scientists, scholars, researchers, experts and leaders from around the world to share ideas, knowledge, expertise and research results in sports sciences and physical education.

​The conference aims to bring together researchers, academics and scientists to share their experiences and discuss the most recent trends and challenges in the field of e-publishing, along with their implications on academic publishing, information services and e-learning, according to the conference’s website.


​The main theme of the 1st International Conference on Electronic Publishing is on how social media is shaping E-publishing. The conference aims at bringing together researchers, academics and scientists to share their experiences and discuss the most recent trends and challenges in the field of E-publishing along with their implications for academic publishing, information services, e-learning and other areas where electronic publishing is imperative.​
