Welcome to the Website of
the University of Jordan in
Aqaba with its unique location
at the head of Aqaba Gulf that’s
well known for the clarity of
its water and the beauty of its
coral reefs and diverse marine
We invite you dear visitor
to enjoy surfing our website
because you will find
interesting, useful, and
accurate information aiming to
introduce you to our newly
established university sponsored
by the University of Jordan in
By accessing the Website
you will learn about UJ’s
vision, objectives, faculties,
and specialties that were
created to suit the modern
development in education,
training, and skills refinement
in order to meet local and Arab
markets needs.
The University of Jordan
in Aqaba is located in a
distinguished place on the road
to King Hussein International
Airport on the northern side of
the city, and on the main road
linking Aqaba to Dead Sea
leading to Amman and the
northern cities of Jordan which
continue to lead the way to
Syria, Lebanon, Turkey, and
Also, The University of
Jordan in Aqaba is located on
the road that links the city to
Saudi Arabia, and runs along the
southern region of the city of
Aqaba where the Marine Science
Station with its marine life
gallery and long history of
scientific research has
attracted many visitors and
The university has
provided the students with
everything they need to get
degrees they want easily and