The University of Jordan :: Amman :: Jordan  
Administrative Services
Sport Services

For faculty members

1-   Practicing all sport activities such as swimming, fitness, group games and individual games.

2-   Facilitating the holding of seminars and specialized courses in the field of sports science.

3-   Holding specialized scientific conferences in sport sciences.

4-   Holding workshops in various sporting activities.

5-   Improving the level of income through working overtime in the sessions of the faculty for the local community.


For administrative members

1-   Holding administrative courses.

2-   Practicing sport activities during holidays.

3-   Improving the level of income through working overtime in the sessions of the faculty for the local community.


For students

1-   Holding educational sessions in swimming, fitness and Aerobics.

2-   Holding special sessions in therapeutic exercises and massage.

3-   Holding training sessions in cooperation with Sport Federations, Olympic Committee and Youth Leadership Development foundation.

4-   Holding indoor and outdoor championships for local community in various sport activities.

5-   Holding sport festivals in conjunction with the faculty of physical education.

6-   Promoting the students by attracting hiring companies such as “AL Hadf” Company at UAE.


For the local community

1-   Holding sessions in the field of swimming for men and women.

2-   Holding sessions in the field of fitness for men and women.

3-   Holding educational sessions in the benefits of practicing sports activities and its impacts on the health.

4-   Holding several sessions and sport training courses in cooperation with Jordan Athletics federations and Youth Leadership Development foundation.

5-   Holding workshops for the teachers of physical education about the outcomes of teaching physical education.